Saltillo has produced a form that allows for specific and strategic planning to integrate core across subject areas.
How do I plan for using core? Am I planning multiple experiences in different environments throughout the day?
Can I explain the concept of core to parents? To administrators?
Can I explain the concept of core to parents? To administrators?
Modelling...So how do we teach core words?
Modelling Core for Beginners
Caroline Musselwhite provided this on her blog AACgirls. It was originally developed by Gail Van Tatenhove as supported by Deanna Wagner.
Aided language input or aided language stimulation or modelling=same
*Aided Language Input (ALI) – Highlight key words from your natural speech with the AAC picture symbols. The more you use ALI, the easier it gets because you learn where all the vocabulary is located, you automatically slow down, you learn what core word vocabulary needs to be added to the communication display. Learners get to see/hear the language that they are expected to use which makes it more likely they will ‘talk’ back in the language that is spoken to them. By using ALI, you are also forming an AAC visual language environment which helps with comprehension and organization of a language system.
Taken from Carol Zengari's PrAACtically Speaking blog post.
*Frequent Opportunities for the learner to experience and USE the core words. Opportunities for some learners must be very specific. These specific opportunities are also known as ‘communication temptations’. These are situations that are designed to ‘entice’ communication. Communication temptations paired with ‘waiting’ for the learner to USE communication becomes very a powerful teaching/learning opportunity. Within experiences that allow for modeling (ALI) core words, learners should also have frequent opportunities to experience and USE core words. This is where thinking of meaningful language experiences comes in, but what is awesome is that almost any authentic experience works to apply opportunities to use the target core vocabulary. The only caveat is that you need to know which words should be targeted, you need to have supports to make those words stand out, and you need to specifically provide feedback/reinforcement that solidifies or re-emphasizes the target core words.
*Taken from PrAACtically Speaking, Carol Zangari,
Am I responsive to feedback? Can I model core for a peer? How will I know I'm modelling core effectively with my student(s)? Who can give me feedback? Support? How will I keep track of when and how I am using core with my students?
What is aided language input (stimulation)?
This video clip discusses the importance of modelling and talking using the child's language systems.
Chris Bugaj created this PowToon explaining aided language stimulation. Teach a student to use a communication device to generate language by using the communication device as a model.
How does core look in my classroom, in my teaching practice? How do I know I have integrated core into my practice? Who will provide feedback? How will I document successes?